aa - Variable in class device.Gripper
Controls a lift on the gripper (if gripper equipped)
Actarray - Class in device
Actarray() - Constructor for class device.Actarray
Actarray(DeviceNode, Device) - Constructor for class device.Actarray
addBlobListener(IBlobfinderListener) - Method in class device.Blobfinder
Add a new listener to this device.
addChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.service.GoalReachedService
Add a change listener.
addChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.service.HelloService
Add a change listener.
addChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.service.MessageService
Add a change listener.
addChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.service.ReceiveNewGoalService
Add a change listener.
addChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.service.SendPositionService
Add a change listener.
addChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in class test.jadex.TestService
Add a change listener.
addIsDoneListener(IGripperListener) - Method in interface device.external.IGripper
addIsDoneListener(IGripperListener) - Method in class device.Gripper
addIsDoneListener(IPlannerListener) - Method in class device.Planner
addListener(ILocalizeListener) - Method in class device.Localize
addObject(String, BoardObject) - Method in class data.Board
agent - Variable in class jadex.agent.CollectAgent
agent - Variable in class jadex.service.GoalReachedService
The agent.
agent - Variable in class jadex.service.HelloService
The agent.
agent - Variable in class jadex.service.MessageService
The agent.
agent - Variable in class jadex.service.ReceiveNewGoalService
The agent.
agent - Variable in class jadex.service.SendPositionService
The agent.
agent - Variable in class jadex.tools.MessagePanel
The agent.
agent - Variable in class test.jadex.TestService
The agent.
agentCreated() - Method in class jadex.agent.BlobAgent
agentCreated() - Method in class jadex.agent.CollectAgent
agentCreated() - Method in class jadex.agent.ConsoleAgent
Called once after agent creation.
agentCreated() - Method in class jadex.agent.DispersionAgent
agentCreated() - Method in class jadex.agent.EscapeAgent
agentCreated() - Method in class jadex.agent.ExploreAgent
agentCreated() - Method in class jadex.agent.FollowAgent
agentCreated() - Method in class jadex.agent.MasterAgent
agentCreated() - Method in class jadex.agent.NavAgent
agentCreated() - Method in class jadex.agent.SwarmAgent
agentCreated() - Method in class jadex.agent.ViewAgent
agentCreated() - Method in class jadex.agent.WallfollowAgent
agentCreated() - Method in class jadex.KillPlayerAgent
agentCreated() - Method in class jadex.PlayerAgent
agentCreated() - Method in class jadex.TestAgent
Called once after agent creation.
agentCreated() - Method in class test.jadex.BoardAgent
agentCreated() - Method in class test.jadex.ConsoleAgent
Called once after agent creation.
agentCreated() - Method in class test.jadex.ControlAgent
agentCreated() - Method in class test.jadex.ServiceAgent
agentKilled() - Method in class jadex.agent.BlobAgent
agentKilled() - Method in class jadex.agent.CollectAgent
agentKilled() - Method in class jadex.agent.DispersionAgent
agentKilled() - Method in class jadex.agent.EscapeAgent
agentKilled() - Method in class jadex.agent.FollowAgent
agentKilled() - Method in class jadex.agent.MasterAgent
agentKilled() - Method in class jadex.agent.NavAgent
agentKilled() - Method in class jadex.agent.ViewAgent
agentKilled() - Method in class jadex.agent.WallfollowAgent
agentKilled() - Method in class jadex.KillPlayerAgent
agentKilled() - Method in class jadex.PlayerAgent
agentKilled() - Method in class test.jadex.BoardAgent
agentKilled() - Method in class test.jadex.ControlAgent
agentKilled() - Method in class test.jadex.ServiceAgent
align(NumberFormat, float, int) - Static method in class usecase.Javaclient3Test
align(NumberFormat, double, int) - Static method in class usecase.SpaceWandererExample
AllTests - Class in test
AllTests() - Constructor for class test.AllTests


b - Static variable in class test.data.BoardTest
bb - Variable in class jadex.agent.CollectAgent
bb - Variable in class jadex.agent.ExploreAgent
bb - Static variable in class test.device.BlobfinderTest
BbNoteTest - Class in test.data
BbNoteTest() - Constructor for class test.data.BbNoteTest
BEAMCOUNT - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
Laser max angle in degree
behavior - package behavior
Behavior - Class in behavior
Behavior() - Constructor for class behavior.Behavior
bf - Static variable in class test.device.BlobfinderTest
blob - Variable in class test.data.BlobfinderBlobTest
BlobAgent - Class in jadex.agent
BlobAgent() - Constructor for class jadex.agent.BlobAgent
blobCount - Static variable in class usecase.BlobfinderExample
Blobfinder - Class in device
A Blobfinder device.
Blobfinder(DeviceNode, Device) - Constructor for class device.Blobfinder
Creates a Blobfinder device object.
BlobfinderBlob - Class in data
BlobfinderBlob(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, float) - Constructor for class data.BlobfinderBlob
Creates a colored blob with the given properties.
BlobfinderBlobTest - Class in test.data
BlobfinderBlobTest() - Constructor for class test.data.BlobfinderBlobTest
BlobfinderExample - Class in usecase
BlobfinderExample() - Constructor for class usecase.BlobfinderExample
BlobfinderTest - Class in test.device
BlobfinderTest() - Constructor for class test.device.BlobfinderTest
blobPose - Variable in class jadex.agent.BlobAgent
blobPoses - Variable in class test.device.BlobfinderTest
blobs - Variable in class device.Blobfinder
Blob memory
bloFi - Variable in class robot.Robot
bo - Static variable in class test.data.BoardTest
Board - Class in data
Board() - Constructor for class data.Board
board - Variable in class jadex.agent.MasterAgent
board - Variable in class test.jadex.BoardAgent
board - Variable in class test.jadex.ControlAgent
BoardAgent - Class in test.jadex
BoardAgent() - Constructor for class test.jadex.BoardAgent
BoardObject - Class in data
BoardObject() - Constructor for class data.BoardObject
BoardObject(Goal) - Constructor for class data.BoardObject
BoardTest - Class in test.data
BoardTest() - Constructor for class test.data.BoardTest
byteArrayToHexString(byte[]) - Static method in class usecase.Javaclient3Test


CalculateSpeed - Class in behavior
CalculateSpeed() - Constructor for class behavior.CalculateSpeed
callWhenAbort() - Method in interface device.external.IPlannerListener
callWhenIsDone() - Method in interface device.external.IPlannerListener
callWhenNotValid() - Method in interface device.external.IPlannerListener
caughtRobot - Variable in class jadex.agent.FollowAgent
cb - Static variable in class test.device.BlobfinderTest
cb - Variable in class test.device.GripperTest
check(Device) - Static method in class core.Support
Checks if the given device is supported.
CheckRotate - Class in behavior
CheckRotate() - Constructor for class behavior.CheckRotate
clear() - Method in class data.Board
Empties the internal data structure.
close(IGripperListener) - Method in interface device.external.IGripper
close() - Method in class device.Gripper
Deprecated. Use Gripper.close(IGripperListener). Close the gripper's paddles.
close(IGripperListener) - Method in class device.Gripper
closeLift(IGripperListener) - Method in interface device.external.IGripper
closeLift() - Method in class device.Gripper
Deprecated. Use Gripper.closeLift(IGripperListener).
closeLift(IGripperListener) - Method in class device.Gripper
CollectAgent - Class in jadex.agent
CollectAgent() - Constructor for class jadex.agent.CollectAgent
CollisionAvoid - Class in behavior
CollisionAvoid() - Constructor for class behavior.CollisionAvoid
colorhm - Static variable in class data.BlobfinderBlob
command - Variable in class core.OSCommand
commandMotors(double, double) - Method in class robot.Pioneer
Sets the motor speed and syncs the underlying positioning device.
connectDevices(Device[]) - Method in class robot.Robot
Initiate standard variables to this robot for the devices Note that if there are duplicate devices in the list always the last one of the same device code will be chosen!
ConsoleAgent - Class in jadex.agent
Message micro agent.
ConsoleAgent() - Constructor for class jadex.agent.ConsoleAgent
ConsoleAgent - Class in test.jadex
Message micro agent.
ConsoleAgent() - Constructor for class test.jadex.ConsoleAgent
ControlAgent - Class in test.jadex
Agent that pings another and waits for its replies.
ControlAgent() - Constructor for class test.jadex.ControlAgent
core - package core
COS45 - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
Minimal ranger range in meters.
cost - Variable in class data.Goal
count - Variable in class device.Blobfinder
Current blob count in view.
count - Variable in class device.Ranger
cov - Variable in class device.Localize
initial values for the covariance matrix (c&p example from playernav)
createGui(IMicroExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.tools.MessagePanel
Create a gui frame.
curGoalKey - Variable in class jadex.agent.CollectAgent
curPosition - Variable in class device.Planner
curPosition - Static variable in class test.device.LocalizerTest
currentState - Variable in class device.Gripper
currentState - Variable in class robot.Pioneer


dance() - Method in class jadex.agent.EscapeAgent
data - package data
Contains central data types used in other packages
debugSensorData() - Method in class robot.Pioneer
decodeBlobfinderData(BlobfinderInterface) - Static method in class usecase.Javaclient3Test
decodeFiducialData(FiducialInterface) - Static method in class usecase.Javaclient3Test
decodeFiducialGeom(FiducialInterface) - Static method in class usecase.Javaclient3Test
decodeGripperGeom(GripperInterface) - Static method in class usecase.Javaclient3Test
decodeLaserConfig(LaserInterface) - Static method in class usecase.Javaclient3Test
decodeLaserData(LaserInterface) - Static method in class usecase.Javaclient3Test
decodeLaserGeometry(LaserInterface) - Static method in class usecase.Javaclient3Test
decodePtzData(PtzInterface) - Static method in class usecase.Javaclient3Test
decodeRFIDData(RFIDInterface) - Static method in class usecase.Javaclient3Test
decodeSonarData(SonarInterface) - Static method in class usecase.Javaclient3Test
decodeSonars(RangerInterface) - Static method in class usecase.SpaceWandererExample
DEF_X_SPEED - Static variable in class usecase.BlobfinderExample
DEF_X_SPEED - Static variable in class usecase.WallFollowerExample
DEF_YAW_SPEED - Static variable in class usecase.BlobfinderExample
DEF_YAW_SPEED - Static variable in class usecase.SpaceWandererExample
DEF_YAW_SPEED - Static variable in class usecase.WallFollowerExample
DEGPROBEAM - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
Number of laser beams taken for one average distance measurement
depotPose - Variable in class jadex.agent.CollectAgent
Where to store objects
dev - Static variable in class test.device.DeviceTest
device - package device
Device - Class in device
A Device represents an abstract entity, i.e. device node, that can have other devices in its internal list.
Device() - Constructor for class device.Device
Creates a Device and initializes the internal device list.
Device(int, String, int, int) - Constructor for class device.Device
This constructor is used to create a data device object and has no internal devicelist or thread
Device(Device) - Constructor for class device.Device
Creates a device with the given properties.
device - Variable in class device.RobotDevice
The actual device of the underlying robot client layer.
device.external - package device.external
DEVICE_ACTARRAY_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_AIO_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_AUDIO_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_AUDIODSP_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_AUDIOMIXER_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_BLINKENLIGHT_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_BLOBFINDER_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_BUMPER_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_CAMERA_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_DEVICE_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_DIO_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_ENERGY_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_FIDUCIAL_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_GPS_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_GRAPHICS2D_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_GRAPHICS3D_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_GRIPPER_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_HEALTH_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_IMU_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_IR_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_JOYSTICK_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_LASER_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_LIMB_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_LOCALIZE_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_LOG_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_MAP_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_MCOM_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_NOMAD_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_NULL_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
Current interface code assignment This has to be i sync with the PlayerConstants definition!!
DEVICE_OPAQUE_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_PLANNER_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_POINTCLOUD3D_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_POSITION1D_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_POSITION2D_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_POSITION3D_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_POWER_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_PTZ_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_RANGER_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_RFID_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_SERVICE_ADV_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_SIMULATION_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_SONAR_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_SOUND_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_SPEECH_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_SPEECH_RECOGNITION_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_TRUTH_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_WAVEFORM_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_WIFI_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
DEVICE_WSN_CODE - Static variable in interface device.external.IDevice
deviceList - Variable in class device.Device
The internal device list can contain other devices.
DeviceNode - Class in device
Client API to the robot server.
DeviceNode(String, Integer) - Constructor for class device.DeviceNode
Deprecated. Use DeviceNode.DeviceNode(Host[]) instead. Constructor for a RobotClient.
DeviceNode(Object[]) - Constructor for class device.DeviceNode
Deprecated. Use DeviceNode.DeviceNode(Host[]) instead. Accepts a list of following structure: String "hostname",Integer port All clients on the list will be instantiated on the hosts and ports given.
DeviceNode(Host[]) - Constructor for class device.DeviceNode
Deprecated. Use DeviceNode.DeviceNode(Host[], Device[]) instead. Creates a device node containing all devices found on the given hosts.
DeviceNode(Host) - Constructor for class device.DeviceNode
Deprecated. Use DeviceNode.DeviceNode(Host, Device[]) instead. Convenience wrapper for DeviceNode.DeviceNode(Host[]).
DeviceNode(PlayerClient) - Constructor for class device.DeviceNode
Creates a DeviceNode with the given PlayerClient.
DeviceNode(Host[], Device[]) - Constructor for class device.DeviceNode
Creates a device node that contains only the devices given (if any of them are found on the given hosts).
DeviceNode(Host, Device) - Constructor for class device.DeviceNode
Convenience wrapper for DeviceNode.DeviceNode(Host[], Device[]).
DeviceNode(Host, Device[]) - Constructor for class device.DeviceNode
Convenience wrapper for DeviceNode.DeviceNode(Host[], Device[]).
DeviceNode(Host[], Device) - Constructor for class device.DeviceNode
Convenience wrapper for DeviceNode.DeviceNode(Host[], Device[]).
deviceNode - Variable in class device.RobotDevice
DeviceNode to which this device is connected.
deviceNode - Variable in class jadex.agent.NavAgent
deviceNode - Variable in class jadex.agent.ViewAgent
deviceNode - Variable in class jadex.agent.WallfollowAgent
deviceNode - Variable in class test.device.DeviceNodeTest
deviceNode - Static variable in class test.device.GripperTest
deviceNode - Static variable in class test.device.LocalizerTest
deviceNode - Static variable in class test.device.PlannerTest
deviceNode - Static variable in class test.device.RangerLaserTest
deviceNode - Static variable in class test.device.RangerTest
deviceNode - Static variable in class test.device.RobotDeviceTest
deviceNode - Static variable in class test.device.SimulationTest
deviceNode - Static variable in class test.robot.NavRobotTest
deviceNode - Static variable in class test.robot.SwarmRobotTest
DeviceNodeTest - Class in test.device
DeviceNodeTest() - Constructor for class test.device.DeviceNodeTest
DeviceTest - Class in test.device
DeviceTest() - Constructor for class test.device.DeviceTest
DIAGOFFSET - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
dif - Variable in class test.jadex.ControlAgent
The difference between sent messages and received replies.
Dio - Class in device
Dio() - Constructor for class device.Dio
Dio(DeviceNode, Device) - Constructor for class device.Dio
dio - Variable in class device.Gripper
Copied from JavaClient: Data: state (PLAYER_GRIPPER_DATA_STATE) The gripper interface returns 3 values that represent the current state of the gripper; the format is given below.
disableMotor() - Method in class device.Position2d
Disable the robots motors.
discovered - Variable in class data.BlobfinderBlob
DispersionAgent - Class in jadex.agent
DispersionAgent() - Constructor for class jadex.agent.DispersionAgent
dispersionInterval - Variable in class jadex.agent.DispersionAgent
dispersionPoints - Variable in class jadex.agent.DispersionAgent
Strategic important points on the map.
DIST_TOLERANCE - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
Yaw tolerance for ball tracking in deg
distanceGoal - Variable in class data.BoardObject
distanceTo(Position) - Method in class data.Position
Calculates the planar distance of this position to the given one.
dn - Variable in class jadex.agent.BlobAgent
dn - Static variable in class test.device.BlobfinderTest
dn - Static variable in class test.robot.ExploreRobotTest
dn - Static variable in class test.robot.PioneerTest
doneCL() - Method in class test.device.GripperTest
doneClose() - Method in class test.device.GripperTest
doneLift() - Method in class test.device.GripperTest
doneOpen() - Method in class test.device.GripperTest
doneRelease() - Method in class test.device.GripperTest
doneRO() - Method in class test.device.GripperTest


enableMotor() - Method in class device.Position2d
Enable the robots motors.
equals(Position) - Method in class data.Position
Compares this position to the given one.
equals(Device) - Method in class device.Device
Compares a Device according to its properties to another one
EscapeAgent - Class in jadex.agent
EscapeAgent() - Constructor for class jadex.agent.EscapeAgent
exec(String[]) - Method in class core.OSCommand
executeBody() - Method in class jadex.agent.BlobAgent
executeBody() - Method in class jadex.agent.CollectAgent
executeBody() - Method in class jadex.agent.DispersionAgent
executeBody() - Method in class jadex.agent.EscapeAgent
executeBody() - Method in class jadex.agent.ExploreAgent
executeBody() - Method in class jadex.agent.FollowAgent
executeBody() - Method in class jadex.agent.MasterAgent
executeBody() - Method in class jadex.agent.NavAgent
executeBody() - Method in class jadex.agent.ViewAgent
executeBody() - Method in class jadex.agent.WallfollowAgent
executeBody() - Method in class jadex.KillPlayerAgent
executeBody() - Method in class jadex.PlayerAgent
executeBody() - Method in class test.jadex.BoardAgent
executeBody() - Method in class test.jadex.ControlAgent
Execute the body.
executeBody() - Method in class test.jadex.ServiceAgent
ExploreAgent - Class in jadex.agent
ExploreAgent() - Constructor for class jadex.agent.ExploreAgent
ExploreRobot - Class in robot
An exploration robot.
ExploreRobot(Device) - Constructor for class robot.ExploreRobot
Deprecated. Use ExploreRobot.ExploreRobot(Device[]) instead.
ExploreRobot(Device[]) - Constructor for class robot.ExploreRobot
Creates an exploration robot.
ExploreRobotTest - Class in test.robot
ExploreRobotTest() - Constructor for class test.robot.ExploreRobotTest


FMAX - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
FRONT min angle.
FMIN - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
LEFTFRONT max angle.
fmt - Static variable in class usecase.Javaclient3Test
fmt - Static variable in class usecase.SpaceWandererExample
fmt - Static variable in class usecase.WallFollowerExample
FollowAgent - Class in jadex.agent
FollowAgent() - Constructor for class jadex.agent.FollowAgent
followPose - Variable in class jadex.agent.FollowAgent
folRobot - Variable in class jadex.agent.FollowAgent
folRobot - Variable in class jadex.agent.ViewAgent
Dedicated follow robot, if any
frontSide - Static variable in class usecase.WallFollowerExample


getAa() - Method in class device.Gripper
getAngle(double, int) - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
Returns the angle of the blob relative to the given camera pose.
getArea() - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
getArrayList() - Method in class data.Board
getBb() - Method in class jadex.agent.CollectAgent
getBlobs() - Method in class device.Blobfinder
getBloFi() - Method in class robot.Robot
getBoard() - Method in class jadex.agent.MasterAgent
getBottom() - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
getCartesianCoordinates() - Method in class data.Position
Considers this position in polor coordinates.
getCollisionAvoid(double) - Method in class robot.Pioneer
Collision avoidance overrides other turnrate if necessary!
getColor() - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
getColorString(int) - Static method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
Deprecated. use BlobfinderBlob.getColorString() instead
getColorString() - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
getCost() - Method in class data.Goal
getCost() - Method in class device.Planner
Returns the current cost to current goal position.
getCost(Position) - Method in class device.Planner
Returns the cost if the goal would be the given position.
getCount() - Method in class device.Blobfinder
getCount() - Method in class device.Ranger
getCurrentState() - Method in class device.Gripper
getCurrentState() - Method in class robot.Pioneer
getDevice(Device) - Method in class device.Device
Searches the internal device list for the device with the properties given.
getDevice() - Method in class device.RobotDevice
getDeviceIterator() - Method in class device.Device
getDeviceList() - Method in class device.Device
Returns a list of devices that this robot client provides.
getDeviceListArray() - Method in class device.Device
getDeviceNode(String, int) - Method in class device.DeviceNode
Checks the internal device list for matching DeviceNodes.
getDeviceNode() - Method in class device.RobotDevice
getDeviceNode() - Method in class jadex.agent.NavAgent
getDeviceNode() - Method in class jadex.agent.WallfollowAgent
getDio() - Method in class device.Gripper
getDiscovered() - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
getDistance(IPioneer.viewDirectType) - Method in class robot.Pioneer
Returns the minimum distance of the given view direction.
getDistanceGoal() - Method in class data.BoardObject
getEscapeWhenStuck(double) - Method in class robot.Pioneer
getFollowPose() - Method in class jadex.agent.FollowAgent
getGlobalCoordinates(Position) - Method in class data.Position
Performs a homogeneous matrix multiplication to transform this position coordinates into a global coordinate system referenced by the position given.
getGoal() - Method in class data.BoardObject
getGoal() - Method in class device.Planner
getGoal() - Method in interface robot.external.IRobot
getGoal() - Method in class robot.Robot
getGoalReachedService() - Method in class jadex.agent.ConsoleAgent
getGoalReachedService() - Method in class jadex.agent.MasterAgent
getGoalReachedService() - Method in class jadex.agent.NavAgent
getGripper() - Method in class robot.Robot
getHelloService() - Method in class jadex.agent.ConsoleAgent
getHelloService() - Method in class jadex.agent.MasterAgent
getHelloService() - Method in class jadex.agent.NavAgent
getHelloService() - Method in class jadex.agent.ViewAgent
getHelloService() - Method in class jadex.agent.WallfollowAgent
getHelloService() - Method in class test.jadex.ConsoleAgent
getHost() - Method in class device.Device
getHostName() - Method in class data.Host
getId() - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
getId() - Method in class data.SimuObject
getId() - Method in class device.Device
getIndex() - Method in class device.Device
getInput(int) - Method in class device.Dio
getInstance(DeviceNode, Device) - Static method in class device.Simulation
Returns a Singleton instance of the Gui
getInstance() - Static method in class device.Simulation
Returns null if no Gui instance is instantiated.
getIsDirtyListCount() - Method in class device.Simulation
getIsObsolete() - Method in class data.Goal
getIterator() - Method in class data.Board
getLaser() - Method in class robot.Robot
getLeft() - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
getLeftWallfollow(double) - Method in class robot.Pioneer
Plan a left wall follow trajectory.
getLocalizer() - Method in class robot.Robot
getLogger() - Method in class device.Device
getLogger() - Method in class device.Dio
getLogger() - Method in class device.Gripper
getLogger() - Method in class device.Planner
getLogger() - Method in class device.RobotDevice
getLogger() - Method in class jadex.agent.MasterAgent
getLogger() - Method in class jadex.agent.NavAgent
getLogger() - Method in class jadex.agent.WallfollowAgent
getMessageService() - Method in class jadex.agent.ConsoleAgent
Get the services.
getMessageService() - Method in class jadex.TestAgent
Get the chat service.
getMessageService() - Method in class test.jadex.ConsoleAgent
Get the chat service.
getMetaInfo() - Static method in class jadex.agent.BlobAgent
getMetaInfo() - Static method in class jadex.agent.CollectAgent
getMetaInfo() - Static method in class jadex.agent.DispersionAgent
getMetaInfo() - Static method in class jadex.agent.EscapeAgent
getMetaInfo() - Static method in class jadex.agent.ExploreAgent
getMetaInfo() - Static method in class jadex.agent.FollowAgent
getMetaInfo() - Static method in class jadex.agent.NavAgent
getMetaInfo() - Static method in class jadex.agent.SwarmAgent
getMetaInfo() - Static method in class jadex.agent.ViewAgent
getMetaInfo() - Static method in class jadex.agent.WallfollowAgent
getMetaInfo() - Static method in class jadex.KillPlayerAgent
getMetaInfo() - Static method in class jadex.PlayerAgent
getMetaInfo() - Static method in class jadex.SimulationAgent
getMetaInfo() - Static method in class jadex.TestAgent
Get the meta information about the agent.
getMetaInfo() - Static method in class test.jadex.BoardAgent
getMetaInfo() - Static method in class test.jadex.ConsoleAgent
Get the meta information about the agent.
getMetaInfo() - Static method in class test.jadex.ControlAgent
Get the agent meta info.
getMinLasRange(int, int) - Method in class robot.Pioneer
Returns the minimum distance of the given arc.
getNextGoal(Board) - Method in class jadex.agent.CollectAgent
Returns the key of the first found unfinished goal.
getObject(String) - Method in class data.Board
getObject() - Method in class data.SimuObject
getObjListCount() - Method in class device.Simulation
getPlanner() - Method in class robot.Robot
Returns the current Planner.
getPlayerClient() - Method in class device.DeviceNode
getPort() - Method in class device.Device
getPortNumber() - Method in class data.Host
getPosi() - Method in class robot.Robot
getPosition() - Method in class data.BoardObject
getPosition() - Method in class data.Goal
getPosition - Variable in class device.Localize
getPosition() - Method in class device.Localize
getPosition() - Method in class device.Planner
getPosition() - Method in class device.Position2d
getPosition() - Method in interface robot.external.IRobot
getPosition() - Method in class robot.Robot
getPositionOf(String) - Method in class device.Simulation
Returns the last known object Position.
getRange() - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
getRanges() - Method in class device.Ranger
getRanges() - Method in class device.RangerLaser
getRanges() - Method in class device.RangerSonar
getReceiveNewGoalService() - Method in class jadex.agent.BlobAgent
getReceiveNewGoalService() - Method in class jadex.agent.ConsoleAgent
getReceiveNewGoalService() - Method in class jadex.agent.ExploreAgent
getReceiveNewGoalService() - Method in class jadex.agent.MasterAgent
getReceiveNewGoalService() - Method in class jadex.agent.NavAgent
getReceiveNewGoalService() - Method in class test.jadex.ConsoleAgent
getRelativeAngle(double) - Static method in class data.Position
Normalizes an angle to a relative one.
getRight() - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
getRobot() - Method in class jadex.agent.NavAgent
getRobot() - Method in class jadex.agent.WallfollowAgent
getRobotId() - Method in class robot.Robot
getSafeSpeed(double) - Method in class robot.Pioneer
Calculates a safe speed regarding collision avoiding obstacles.
getSafeTurnrate(double) - Method in class robot.Pioneer
Checks if turning the robot is not causing collisions.
getSendPositionService() - Method in class jadex.agent.ConsoleAgent
getSendPositionService() - Method in class jadex.agent.MasterAgent
getSendPositionService() - Method in class jadex.agent.NavAgent
getSendPositionService() - Method in class jadex.agent.ViewAgent
getSendPositionService() - Method in class jadex.agent.WallfollowAgent
getSendPositionService() - Method in class test.jadex.ConsoleAgent
getSet() - Method in class data.Board
getSimu() - Method in class robot.Robot
getSleepTime() - Method in class device.Device
getSonar() - Method in class robot.Robot
getSonarRanges() - Method in class robot.Pioneer
If there are less valid range values than @see SONARCOUNT than the array contains fake (max) values.
getSonars(RangerInterface) - Static method in class usecase.WallFollowerExample
getSpeed() - Method in class device.Position2d
getSpeed() - Method in class robot.Robot
getState() - Method in class device.Gripper
getState() - Method in class test.device.GripperTest
Test method for Gripper.getState().
getTestService() - Method in class test.jadex.ServiceAgent
getThreadName() - Method in class device.Device
getTimeout() - Method in class data.Board
getTimeout() - Method in class data.BoardObject
getTimestamp() - Method in class data.BoardObject
getTop() - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
getTopic() - Method in class data.BoardObject
getTopicList(String) - Method in class data.Board
getTurnrate() - Method in class device.Position2d
getTurnrate() - Method in class robot.Robot
getWall(Position2DInterface, RangerInterface) - Static method in class usecase.WallFollowerExample
getWayPointCount() - Method in class device.Planner
getWayPointIndex() - Method in class device.Planner
getX() - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
getX() - Method in class data.Position
getY() - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
getY() - Method in class data.Position
getYaw() - Method in class data.Position
globalGoal - Variable in class device.Planner
goal - Variable in class data.BoardObject
Goal - Class in data
Goal() - Constructor for class data.Goal
Goal(Position) - Constructor for class data.Goal
goal - Variable in class device.Planner
goal - Variable in class robot.Robot
GoalReachedService - Class in jadex.service
This service sends new goals to agents on the network.
GoalReachedService(IExternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.service.GoalReachedService
Create a new helpline service.
gotCaught - Variable in class jadex.agent.EscapeAgent
goToAll(Position) - Method in class jadex.agent.MasterAgent
goToRobot(Position, String) - Method in class jadex.agent.MasterAgent
gr - Variable in class jadex.agent.ConsoleAgent
gr - Variable in class jadex.agent.MasterAgent
gr - Variable in class jadex.agent.NavAgent
Gripper - Class in device
A Gripper device represents a mechanical actuator consisting of typically two paddles that can open/close and lift/release to manipulate some objects.
Gripper(DeviceNode, Device) - Constructor for class device.Gripper
Creates a Gripper object.
gripper - Variable in class robot.Robot
gripper - Static variable in class test.device.GripperTest
gripper - Static variable in class test.device.RobotDeviceTest
GripperTest - Class in test.device
GripperTest() - Constructor for class test.device.GripperTest
gs - Variable in class jadex.agent.BlobAgent
gs - Variable in class jadex.agent.ConsoleAgent
gs - Variable in class jadex.agent.ExploreAgent
gs - Variable in class jadex.agent.MasterAgent
gs - Variable in class jadex.agent.NavAgent
gs - Variable in class test.jadex.ConsoleAgent


hear(String, String) - Method in interface jadex.service.IMessageService
Hear something.
hear(String, String) - Method in class jadex.service.MessageService
Hear something.
HelloService - Class in jadex.service
This class implements a Hello service.
HelloService(IExternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.service.HelloService
Create a new helpline service.
HORZOFFSET - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
Laser to sonar diagonal offset in meters.
Host - Class in data
Host(String, int) - Constructor for class data.Host
Creates a Host.
host - Variable in class device.Device
The host string, i.e. network name.
hostName - Variable in class data.Host
hs - Variable in class jadex.agent.ConsoleAgent
Other services
hs - Variable in class jadex.agent.MasterAgent
hs - Variable in class jadex.agent.NavAgent
hs - Variable in class jadex.agent.ViewAgent
hs - Variable in class jadex.agent.WallfollowAgent
hs - Variable in class test.jadex.ConsoleAgent


IBlobfinderListener - Interface in device.external
id - Variable in class data.SimuObject
id - Variable in class device.Device
The numerical identifiers of this device.
IDevice - Interface in device.external
Common Device interface.
IGoalReachedService - Interface in jadex.service
Service can receive chat messages.
IGripper - Interface in device.external
IGripper.stateType - Enum in device.external
Taken from the player IF documentation.
IGripperListener - Interface in device.external
IHelloService - Interface in jadex.service
Service can receive chat messages.
ILocalizeListener - Interface in device.external
IMessageService - Interface in jadex.service
Service can receive chat messages.
index - Variable in class device.Device
The numerical device number.
initDevice(Device) - Method in class device.DeviceNode
initPositionOf(String) - Method in class device.Simulation
InitRobotClient(String, Integer) - Method in class device.DeviceNode
Deprecated. Use DeviceNode.initRobotClientTemplate(Host, Device[]) instead. Connects to the underlying robot service and retrieves a list of all devices. Only to be called by root DeviceNode!
initRobotClientTemplate(Host, Device[]) - Method in class device.DeviceNode
Connects to the underlying robot service and retrieves a list of all devices.
instance - Static variable in class device.Simulation
INV_COS45 - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
IPioneer - Interface in robot.external
IPioneer.StateType - Enum in robot.external
IPioneer.viewDirectType - Enum in robot.external
IPlannerListener - Interface in device.external
IReceiveNewGoalService - Interface in jadex.service
Service can receive chat messages.
IRobot - Interface in robot.external
Abstract interface for any robot.
isActive() - Method in class device.Planner
Checks if the planner is currently busy with a plan.
isClosed - Variable in class test.device.GripperTest
isClosedLifted - Variable in class test.device.GripperTest
isDebugDistance - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
isDebugLaser - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
isDebugPosition - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
isDebugSonar - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
isDebugState - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
isDirtyList - Variable in class device.Simulation
isDone - Variable in class data.BoardObject
isDone() - Method in class data.BoardObject
isDone - Variable in class device.Planner
isDone() - Method in class device.Planner
isDone - Static variable in class test.device.PlannerTest
isDoneListeners - Variable in class device.Gripper
Callback listeners
isDoneListeners - Variable in class device.Planner
Callback listeners
ISendPositionService - Interface in jadex.service
Service can receive chat messages.
isInList(Device[]) - Method in class device.Device
Checks if this device properties is in the given device list.
isLifted - Variable in class test.device.GripperTest
isNearTo(Position, double, double) - Method in class data.Position
Calculates if the position is near to the given one considering the given epsilons.
isNewFollowPose - Variable in class jadex.agent.FollowAgent
isNewGoal - Variable in class device.Planner
isNewPose - Static variable in class test.device.LocalizerTest
isNewSpeed - Variable in class device.Position2d
isObsolete - Variable in class data.Goal
isOpen - Variable in class test.device.GripperTest
isReleased - Variable in class test.device.GripperTest
isReleasedOpen - Variable in class test.device.GripperTest
isRunning - Variable in class core.OSCommand
isRunning() - Method in class core.OSCommand
isRunning - Variable in class device.Device
Indicating if this device is currently in an action cycle.
isRunning() - Method in class device.Device
isStopped - Variable in class device.Planner
isStuck(Position) - Method in class device.Planner
isSupported() - Method in class device.Device
isThreaded - Variable in class device.Device
Indicating if this device is started in its own thread.
isThreaded() - Method in class device.Device
isValidGoal - Variable in class device.Planner
isValidGoal() - Method in class device.Planner


jadex - package jadex
jadex.agent - package jadex.agent
jadex.service - package jadex.service
jadex.tools - package jadex.tools
Javaclient3Test - Class in usecase
Basic tests for a variety of interfaces.
Javaclient3Test() - Constructor for class usecase.Javaclient3Test
join(Iterable<? extends Object>, CharSequence) - Static method in class core.StringUtils
Taken from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/794248/a-method-to-reverse-effect-of-java-string-split/3629711#3629711


killNow() - Method in class jadex.agent.CollectAgent
KillPlayerAgent - Class in jadex
KillPlayerAgent() - Constructor for class jadex.KillPlayerAgent


las - Variable in class device.RangerLaser
lasRanges - Variable in class device.RangerLaser
lastPosition - Variable in class robot.Pioneer
leftSide - Static variable in class usecase.BlobfinderExample
leftSide - Static variable in class usecase.SpaceWandererExample
leftSide - Static variable in class usecase.WallFollowerExample
LeftWallfollow - Class in behavior
LeftWallfollow() - Constructor for class behavior.LeftWallfollow
lf - Static variable in class jadex.tools.MessagePanel
The linefeed separator.
LFMAX - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
LEFTFRONT min angle.
LFMIN - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
LEFT max angle.
lift(IGripperListener) - Method in interface device.external.IGripper
lift() - Method in class device.Gripper
Deprecated. Use Gripper.lift(IGripperListener). Lift the gripper's paddles (if supported).
lift(IGripperListener) - Method in class device.Gripper
liftWithObject() - Method in class device.Gripper
Sets up the gripper to only close and lift paddles when an object is sensed between the paddles.
listeners - Variable in class jadex.service.GoalReachedService
The listeners.
listeners - Variable in class jadex.service.HelloService
The listeners.
listeners - Variable in class jadex.service.MessageService
The listeners.
listeners - Variable in class jadex.service.ReceiveNewGoalService
The listeners.
listeners - Variable in class jadex.service.SendPositionService
The listeners.
listeners - Variable in class test.jadex.TestService
The listeners.
LMAX - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
LEFT min angle.
LMAXANGLE - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
Ranger configuration
LMIN - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
Sonar vertical offset at back for laptop mount.
Localize - Class in device
Localize(DeviceNode, Device) - Constructor for class device.Localize
localizeListeners - Variable in class device.Localize
Callback listeners
localizer - Variable in class robot.Robot
localizer - Static variable in class test.device.LocalizerTest
localizer - Static variable in class test.device.PlannerTest
LocalizerTest - Class in test.device
LocalizerTest() - Constructor for class test.device.LocalizerTest
logActivity(boolean, String, String, int, String) - Static method in class core.ProjectLogger
Log an event.
LogDemo - Class in test.data
LogDemo() - Constructor for class test.data.LogDemo
logDeviceActivity(boolean, String, Device) - Static method in class core.ProjectLogger
Log an event a given device object is taken part in.
logger - Variable in class device.Device
Logging support
logger - Variable in class device.DeviceNode
Logging support
logger - Variable in class device.Dio
Logging support
logger - Variable in class device.Gripper
Logging support
logger - Variable in class device.Localize
Logging support
logger - Variable in class device.Planner
Logging support
logger - Variable in class device.RobotDevice
Logging support
logger - Static variable in class jadex.agent.MasterAgent
Logging support
logger - Static variable in class jadex.agent.NavAgent
Logging support
logger - Variable in class jadex.agent.WallfollowAgent
Logging support
logger - Variable in class robot.ExploreRobot
Logging support
logger - Variable in class robot.Robot
Logging support
logger - Variable in class test.device.PlannerTest
Logging support
LPMAX - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
360./1024. in degree per laser beam


main(String[]) - Static method in class test.data.LogDemo
main(String[]) - Static method in class usecase.BlobfinderExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class usecase.Javaclient3Test
main(String[]) - Static method in class usecase.SpaceWandererExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class usecase.Test
main(String[]) - Static method in class usecase.Wallfollow
main(String[]) - Static method in class usecase.WallFollowerExample
MasterAgent - Class in jadex.agent
MasterAgent() - Constructor for class jadex.agent.MasterAgent
matches(Device) - Method in class device.Device
Matches this device with the given one.
matchesList(Device[]) - Method in class device.Device
Checks if this device properties matches against any of the given device list.
MAX_WALL_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class usecase.WallFollowerExample
maxSonarValues() - Method in class robot.Pioneer
MAXSPEED - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
MAXTURNRATE - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
Minimal turnrate set
messageArrived(Map, MessageType) - Method in class test.jadex.ControlAgent
Called when a message arrives.
messageArrived(Map, MessageType) - Method in class test.jadex.WorkAgent
Send a reply to the sender.
MessagePanel - Class in jadex.tools
MessagePanel(IMicroExternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.tools.MessagePanel
MessageService - Class in jadex.service
MessageService(IExternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.service.MessageService
Create a new helpline service.
MIN_WALL_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class usecase.WallFollowerExample
minDist - Variable in class jadex.agent.EscapeAgent
Minimum escape distance
MINRANGE - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
max laser range in meters
MINSPEED - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
Normal_advance_speed in meters per sec.
minToGoalDist - Variable in class jadex.agent.FollowAgent
MINTURNRATE - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
Minimal speed set
motor - Static variable in class test.device.LocalizerTest
MOUNTOFFSET - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
Laser to sonar horizontal offset in meters.
moveHome(int) - Method in class device.Actarray
moveTo(int, float) - Method in class device.Actarray
ms - Variable in class jadex.agent.ConsoleAgent
The message service.
ms - Variable in class jadex.TestAgent
The message service.
ms - Variable in class test.jadex.ConsoleAgent
The message service.


NavAgent - Class in jadex.agent
NavAgent() - Constructor for class jadex.agent.NavAgent
NavRobot - Class in robot
A navigation robot.
NavRobot(Device) - Constructor for class robot.NavRobot
Deprecated. Use NavRobot.NavRobot(Device[]) instead.
NavRobot(Device[]) - Constructor for class robot.NavRobot
Creates a navigation robot.
NavRobotTest - Class in test.robot
NavRobotTest() - Constructor for class test.robot.NavRobotTest
newBlobFound(BlobfinderBlob) - Method in interface device.external.IBlobfinderListener
newBlobListeners - Variable in class device.Blobfinder
Callback listeners
newGoalValidDelay - Variable in class device.Planner
newPositionAvailable(Position) - Method in interface device.external.ILocalizeListener
notifiyListeners(BlobfinderBlob) - Method in class device.Blobfinder
notify - Variable in class device.Planner
notifyListenersAbort() - Method in class device.Planner
notifyListenersClosed() - Method in class device.Gripper
notifyListenersClosedLifted() - Method in class device.Gripper
notifyListenersDone() - Method in class device.Planner
notifyListenersError() - Method in class device.Gripper
notifyListenersLifted() - Method in class device.Gripper
notifyListenersNotValid() - Method in class device.Planner
notifyListenersOpened() - Method in class device.Gripper
notifyListenersReleased() - Method in class device.Gripper
notifyListenersReleasedOpened() - Method in class device.Gripper


obj - Variable in class data.SimuObject
objectHm - Variable in class data.Board
objList - Variable in class device.Simulation
Objects of interest in the simulation
oldPosition - Variable in class device.Localize
open(IGripperListener) - Method in interface device.external.IGripper
open() - Method in class device.Gripper
Deprecated. Use Gripper.open(IGripperListener). Opens the gripper's paddles. If available sensors are used to determine when the paddles are open.
open(IGripperListener) - Method in class device.Gripper
OSCommand - Class in core
OSCommand(String[]) - Constructor for class core.OSCommand


permitGripperOpen - Variable in class jadex.agent.CollectAgent
pingAllAgents() - Method in class jadex.agent.MasterAgent
pion - Static variable in class test.robot.PioneerTest
Pioneer - Class in robot
This class represents a minimal or standard configuration of a Pioneer 2DX robot at TAMS laboratory.
Pioneer(Device) - Constructor for class robot.Pioneer
Deprecated. Use Pioneer.Pioneer(Device[]) instead. Creates a Pioneer robot object.
Pioneer(Device[]) - Constructor for class robot.Pioneer
Creates a Pioneer robot.
PioneerTest - Class in test.robot
PioneerTest() - Constructor for class test.robot.PioneerTest
Planner - Class in device
Planner(DeviceNode, Device) - Constructor for class device.Planner
planner - Variable in class robot.Robot
planner - Static variable in class test.device.PlannerTest
PlannerTest - Class in test.device
PlannerTest() - Constructor for class test.device.PlannerTest
plannerTO - Static variable in class test.device.PlannerTest
PlayerAgent - Class in jadex
PlayerAgent() - Constructor for class jadex.PlayerAgent
playerClientList - Variable in class device.DeviceNode
A list of all connected robot clients of this node
playerPath - Static variable in class jadex.PlayerAgent
port - Variable in class device.Device
The port number, i.e. host port.
port - Static variable in class jadex.PlayerAgent
portNumber - Variable in class data.Host
pos - Variable in class device.Position2d
posi - Variable in class robot.Robot
List of devices this robot can use if any of them are present.
position - Variable in class data.BoardObject
position - Variable in class data.Goal
Position - Class in data
Represents a 2D position in the simulator
Position(double, double, double) - Constructor for class data.Position
Constructor creates a Position
Position() - Constructor for class data.Position
Creates a Position with coordinates (0., 0., 0.).
Position(Position) - Constructor for class data.Position
Creates a copy position of the given one.
position - Variable in class robot.Robot
Position2d - Class in device
2D Position device of a robot.
Position2d(DeviceNode, Device) - Constructor for class device.Position2d
Creates a Position2d object.
PositionTest - Class in test.data
PositionTest() - Constructor for class test.data.PositionTest
ppd - Variable in class device.Planner
process - Variable in class core.OSCommand
ProjectLogger - Class in core
ProjectLogger() - Constructor for class core.ProjectLogger
ps - Variable in class jadex.agent.ConsoleAgent
ps - Variable in class jadex.agent.MasterAgent
ps - Variable in class jadex.agent.NavAgent
ps - Variable in class jadex.agent.ViewAgent
ps - Variable in class jadex.agent.WallfollowAgent
ps - Variable in class test.jadex.ConsoleAgent


Ranger - Class in device
A Ranger device.
Ranger(DeviceNode, Device) - Constructor for class device.Ranger
Creates a Ranger device.
ranger - Static variable in class test.device.RangerTest
ranger0 - Variable in class robot.Robot
ranger1 - Variable in class robot.Robot
RangerLaser - Class in device
RangerLaser(DeviceNode, Device) - Constructor for class device.RangerLaser
RangerLaserTest - Class in test.device
RangerLaserTest() - Constructor for class test.device.RangerLaserTest
RangerSonar - Class in device
RangerSonar(DeviceNode, Device) - Constructor for class device.RangerSonar
RangerTest - Class in test.device
RangerTest() - Constructor for class test.device.RangerTest
ranges - Variable in class device.Ranger
receive(String, String, Object) - Method in class jadex.service.GoalReachedService
Hear something.
receive(String, String, String) - Method in class jadex.service.HelloService
Hear something.
receive(String, String, Object) - Method in interface jadex.service.IGoalReachedService
Hear something.
receive(String, String, String) - Method in interface jadex.service.IHelloService
Hear something.
receive(String, String, Object) - Method in interface jadex.service.IReceiveNewGoalService
Hear something.
receive(String, String, Object) - Method in interface jadex.service.ISendPositionService
Hear something.
receive(String, String, Object) - Method in class jadex.service.ReceiveNewGoalService
Hear something.
receive(String, String, Object) - Method in class jadex.service.SendPositionService
Hear something.
receive(String, Object) - Method in class test.jadex.TestService
Hear something.
ReceiveNewGoalService - Class in jadex.service
This service sends new goals to agents on the network.
ReceiveNewGoalService(IExternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.service.ReceiveNewGoalService
Create a new helpline service.
receiver - Variable in class test.jadex.ControlAgent
The receiver.
release(IGripperListener) - Method in interface device.external.IGripper
release() - Method in class device.Gripper
Release the gripper's paddles (if supported).
release(IGripperListener) - Method in class device.Gripper
releaseOpen(IGripperListener) - Method in interface device.external.IGripper
releaseOpen() - Method in class device.Gripper
Deprecated. Use Gripper.releaseOpen(IGripperListener).
releaseOpen(IGripperListener) - Method in class device.Gripper
removeBlobListener(IBlobfinderListener) - Method in class device.Blobfinder
Remove a listener to this device.
removeChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.service.GoalReachedService
Remove a change listener.
removeChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.service.HelloService
Remove a change listener.
removeChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.service.MessageService
Remove a change listener.
removeChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.service.ReceiveNewGoalService
Remove a change listener.
removeChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.service.SendPositionService
Remove a change listener.
removeChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in class test.jadex.TestService
Remove a change listener.
removeIfObsolete(String) - Method in class data.Board
Not public methods must be called here!
removeIfObsolete() - Method in class data.Board
Not public methods must be called here!
removeIsDoneListener(IGripperListener) - Method in interface device.external.IGripper
removeIsDoneListener(IGripperListener) - Method in class device.Gripper
removeIsDoneListener(IPlannerListener) - Method in class device.Planner
removeListener(ILocalizeListener) - Method in class device.Localize
removeObject(String) - Method in class data.Board
requestAllPositions() - Method in class jadex.agent.DispersionAgent
resume() - Method in class device.Planner
Resumes any current path planning.
RFMAX - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
RIGHTFRONT min angle.
RFMIN - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
FRONT max angle.
rightSide - Static variable in class usecase.BlobfinderExample
rightSide - Static variable in class usecase.SpaceWandererExample
rLaser - Variable in class robot.Robot
rLaser - Static variable in class test.device.RangerLaserTest
RMAX - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
RIGHT min angle.
RMIN - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
RIGHTFRONT max angle.
robot - package robot
robot - Variable in class jadex.agent.NavAgent
robot - Variable in class jadex.agent.WallfollowAgent
Robot - Class in robot
The Robot class represents a robot that can move in two dimensions, that is in x and y direction.
Robot() - Constructor for class robot.Robot
Creates a Robot with initialized position and goal.
Robot(Device) - Constructor for class robot.Robot
Deprecated. Use Robot.Robot(Device[]) instead. This constructor has to be overwritten in any subclasses! It will parse all devices from the given device and connects it to the internal device list.
Robot(Device[]) - Constructor for class robot.Robot
Creates a robot and provides the given devices to it.
robot - Static variable in class test.robot.ExploreRobotTest
robot - Static variable in class test.robot.NavRobotTest
robot - Static variable in class test.robot.SwarmRobotTest
robot.external - package robot.external
RobotDevice - Class in device
Represents a practical robot device.
RobotDevice() - Constructor for class device.RobotDevice
Do some standard init stuff.
RobotDevice(DeviceNode, Device) - Constructor for class device.RobotDevice
Creates a robot device.
RobotDeviceTest - Class in test.device
RobotDeviceTest() - Constructor for class test.device.RobotDeviceTest
robotId - Variable in class robot.Robot
robotPose - Variable in class jadex.agent.FollowAgent
robotPose - Static variable in class test.device.BlobfinderTest
rSonar - Variable in class robot.Robot
run() - Method in class core.OSCommand
run() - Method in class device.Device
Manages the periodical action cycles and idle times.
runThreaded() - Method in class device.Device
Starts this device (and its sub-devices) in a thread each.
runThreaded() - Method in interface device.external.IDevice


scrollToEnd(JScrollPane) - Method in class jadex.tools.MessagePanel
send(String, String, Object) - Method in class jadex.service.GoalReachedService
Tell something.
send(String, String, String) - Method in class jadex.service.HelloService
Tell something.
send(String, String, Object) - Method in class jadex.service.ReceiveNewGoalService
Tell something.
send(String, String, Object) - Method in class jadex.service.SendPositionService
Tell something.
send(String, Object) - Method in class test.jadex.TestService
Tell something.
sendBlobInfo(BoardObject) - Method in class jadex.agent.ExploreAgent
Send a new goal locating a Boardobject.
sendHello() - Method in class jadex.agent.NavAgent
sendHello() - Method in class jadex.agent.WallfollowAgent
sendPosition(Position) - Method in class jadex.agent.NavAgent
sendPosition(Position) - Method in class jadex.agent.WallfollowAgent
SendPositionService - Class in jadex.service
This service is should be used regularly to send the agents position.
SendPositionService(IExternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.service.SendPositionService
Create a new helpline service.
sent - Variable in class test.jadex.ControlAgent
Hashset with conversation ids of sent messages.
ServiceAgent - Class in test.jadex
ServiceAgent() - Constructor for class test.jadex.ServiceAgent
setAa(Actarray) - Method in class device.Gripper
setArea(int) - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
setBottom(int) - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
setColor(int) - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
setCommand() - Method in class robot.Pioneer
Sets the robot into manual mode.
setCost(double) - Method in class data.Goal
setCurrentState(IGripper.stateType) - Method in class device.Gripper
setCurrentState(IPioneer.StateType) - Method in class robot.Pioneer
setDeviceList(ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Device>) - Method in class device.Device
setDeviceNode(DeviceNode) - Method in class jadex.agent.NavAgent
setDeviceNode(DeviceNode) - Method in class jadex.agent.WallfollowAgent
setDio(Dio) - Method in class device.Gripper
setDiscovered(Position) - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
setDistanceGoal(int) - Method in class data.BoardObject
setDone(boolean) - Method in class data.BoardObject
setFollowPose(Position) - Method in class jadex.agent.FollowAgent
setGoal(Goal) - Method in class data.BoardObject
setGoal(Position) - Method in class device.Planner
Sets the planner goal to the given @see Position.
setGoal(Position) - Method in interface robot.external.IRobot
setGoal(Position) - Method in class robot.Robot
Sets a goal if the robot possesses a navigation device.
setHost(String) - Method in class device.Device
Sets this device' host string.
setHostName(String) - Method in class data.Host
setId(int) - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
setIsObsolete() - Method in class data.Goal
setLeft(int) - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
setName(int) - Method in class device.Device
Sets this device' numerical identifier.
setOdometry - Variable in class device.Position2d
setPort(int) - Method in class device.Device
Sets this device' host port.
setPortNumber(Integer) - Method in class data.Host
setPosition(Position) - Method in class data.BoardObject
setPosition(Position) - Method in class data.Goal
setPosition(Position) - Method in class data.Position
Sets this position's coordinates to the ones from the given position.
setPosition(double, double, double) - Method in class data.Position
Sets this position coordinates to the primitives given.
setPosition - Variable in class device.Localize
setPosition(Position) - Method in class device.Localize
setPosition(Position) - Method in class device.Planner
Deprecated. Use @Localize#setPosition instead.
setPosition(Position) - Method in class device.Position2d
setPosition(Position) - Method in interface robot.external.IRobot
setPosition(Position) - Method in class robot.Robot
Sets the position if the robot possesses an position device.
setPositionOf(String, Position) - Method in class device.Simulation
Set a Gui object's position.
setRange(float) - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
setRight(int) - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
setRobot(NavRobot) - Method in class jadex.agent.NavAgent
setRobot(Pioneer) - Method in class jadex.agent.WallfollowAgent
setRobotId(String) - Method in class robot.Robot
Sets this robot's string identifier.
setSleepTime(long) - Method in class device.Device
setSpeed(double) - Method in class device.Position2d
Sets the motors planar speed.
setSpeed(double, double) - Method in class device.Position2d
Sets the speed and turnrate immediately.
setSpeed(double) - Method in class robot.Robot
setTimeout(long) - Method in class data.Board
setTimeout(long) - Method in class data.BoardObject
setTop(int) - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
setTopic(String) - Method in class data.BoardObject
setTurnrate(double) - Method in class device.Position2d
Sets the motors turnrate.
setTurnrate(double) - Method in class robot.Robot
setUp() - Method in class test.data.BlobfinderBlobTest
setUp() - Method in class test.device.BlobfinderTest
setUp() - Method in class test.device.GripperTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class test.data.BlobfinderBlobTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class test.device.BlobfinderTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class test.device.GripperTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class test.device.LocalizerTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class test.device.PlannerTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class test.device.RangerLaserTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class test.device.RangerTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class test.device.RobotDeviceTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class test.device.SimulationTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class test.robot.ExploreRobotTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class test.robot.NavRobotTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class test.robot.PioneerTest
setUpBeforeClass() - Static method in class test.robot.SwarmRobotTest
setWallfollow() - Method in class robot.Pioneer
setX(int) - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
setX(double) - Method in class data.Position
setY(int) - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
setY(double) - Method in class data.Position
setYaw(double) - Method in class data.Position
SHAPE_DIST - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
Wall attractor in meters before loosing walls.
shutdown() - Method in class device.Blobfinder
Clear internal structures.
shutdown() - Method in class device.Device
Shuts down this (and any sub-) device.
shutdown() - Method in class device.DeviceNode
Shutdown robot client and clean up
shutdown() - Method in interface device.external.IDevice
shutdown() - Method in class device.Gripper
shutdown() - Method in class device.Localize
shutdown() - Method in class device.Planner
shutdown() - Method in class device.Simulation
Shutdown Gui and clean up
shutdown() - Method in class robot.Robot
shutdown - Static variable in class test.device.LocalizerTest
si - Static variable in class test.device.BlobfinderTest
si - Static variable in class test.robot.NavRobotTest
simu - Variable in class jadex.agent.BlobAgent
simu - Variable in class jadex.agent.ViewAgent
API to the simulator (gui)
simu - Variable in class robot.Robot
simu - Static variable in class test.device.LocalizerTest
simu - Static variable in class test.device.PlannerTest
simu - Static variable in class test.device.SimulationTest
Simulation - Class in device
Stage Gui to draw online robot(s) position
Simulation() - Constructor for class device.Simulation
Simulation(DeviceNode, Device) - Constructor for class device.Simulation
SimulationAgent - Class in jadex
Generic agent class for PlayerStage requirements
SimulationAgent() - Constructor for class jadex.SimulationAgent
SimulationTest - Class in test.device
SimulationTest() - Constructor for class test.device.SimulationTest
SimuObject - Class in data
SimuObject(String, IRobot) - Constructor for class data.SimuObject
sleeptime - Variable in class device.Device
The periodical idle time in ms this device sleeps between action cycles.
SONAR_MAX_VALUE - Static variable in class usecase.SpaceWandererExample
SONAR_MAX_VALUE - Static variable in class usecase.WallFollowerExample
SONAR_MIN_VALUE - Static variable in class usecase.SpaceWandererExample
SONAR_MIN_VALUE - Static variable in class usecase.WallFollowerExample
SONAR_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class usecase.BlobfinderExample
SONAR_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class usecase.SpaceWandererExample
SONARCOUNT - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
Sonar configuration
SONARMAX - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
Maximum sonar count.
sonarValues - Static variable in class usecase.BlobfinderExample
sonarValues - Static variable in class usecase.SpaceWandererExample
sonarValues - Static variable in class usecase.WallFollowerExample
soni - Variable in class device.RangerSonar
sonRanges - Variable in class device.RangerSonar
SpaceWanderer - Class in behavior
SpaceWanderer() - Constructor for class behavior.SpaceWanderer
SpaceWandererExample - Class in usecase
SpaceWandererExample() - Constructor for class usecase.SpaceWandererExample
speed - Variable in class device.Position2d
speed - Variable in class robot.Robot
startClose() - Method in class device.Gripper
startLift() - Method in class device.Gripper
startOpen() - Method in class device.Gripper
startPlayer - Variable in class jadex.PlayerAgent
startRelease() - Method in class device.Gripper
stop() - Method in class device.Gripper
Stops the gripper current motion (if any).
stop() - Method in class device.Planner
Stops approaching the current goal (if any).
stop() - Method in class robot.Pioneer
Stops the robot motion immediately.
STOP_ROT - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
Low values: Smoother trajectory but more restricted
STOP_WALLFOLLOWDIST - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
Preferred wall following distance in meters.
stopPlayer - Variable in class jadex.KillPlayerAgent
StringUtils - Class in core
StringUtils() - Constructor for class core.StringUtils
stuckCounter - Variable in class robot.Pioneer
stuckPose - Variable in class device.Planner
Watchdog timer for goal checking
STUCKTIMEOUT - Variable in class device.Planner
stuckTimer - Variable in class device.Planner
suite() - Static method in class test.AllTests
suite() - Static method in class test.data.BlobfinderBlobTest
To use JUnit test suite
suite() - Static method in class test.data.BoardTest
To use JUnit test suite
suite() - Static method in class test.data.PositionTest
To use JUnit test suite
suite() - Static method in class test.device.BlobfinderTest
To use JUnit test suite
suite() - Static method in class test.device.DeviceNodeTest
To use JUnit test suite
suite() - Static method in class test.device.DeviceTest
To use JUnit test suite
suite() - Static method in class test.device.GripperTest
To use JUnit test suite
suite() - Static method in class test.device.LocalizerTest
To use JUnit test suite
suite() - Static method in class test.device.PlannerTest
To use JUnit test suite
suite() - Static method in class test.device.RangerLaserTest
To use JUnit test suite
suite() - Static method in class test.device.RangerTest
To use JUnit test suite
suite() - Static method in class test.device.RobotDeviceTest
To use JUnit test suite
suite() - Static method in class test.device.SimulationTest
To use JUnit test suite
suite() - Static method in class test.robot.ExploreRobotTest
To use JUnit test suite
suite() - Static method in class test.robot.NavRobotTest
To use JUnit test suite
suite() - Static method in class test.robot.PioneerTest
To use JUnit test suite
suite() - Static method in class test.robot.SwarmRobotTest
To use JUnit test suite
supHm - Static variable in class core.Support
HashMap containing supported devices information.
Support - Class in core
Support() - Constructor for class core.Support
SwarmAgent - Class in jadex.agent
SwarmAgent() - Constructor for class jadex.agent.SwarmAgent
SwarmRobotTest - Class in test.robot
SwarmRobotTest() - Constructor for class test.robot.SwarmRobotTest
sync() - Method in class device.Simulation
syncSpeed() - Method in class device.Position2d
Forces to command the motors immediately.


tearDown() - Method in class test.data.BlobfinderBlobTest
tearDown() - Method in class test.device.BlobfinderTest
tearDown() - Method in class test.device.DeviceNodeTest
tearDown() - Method in class test.device.GripperTest
tearDownAfterClass() - Static method in class test.data.BlobfinderBlobTest
tearDownAfterClass() - Static method in class test.device.BlobfinderTest
tearDownAfterClass() - Static method in class test.device.GripperTest
tearDownAfterClass() - Static method in class test.device.LocalizerTest
tearDownAfterClass() - Static method in class test.device.PlannerTest
tearDownAfterClass() - Static method in class test.device.RangerLaserTest
tearDownAfterClass() - Static method in class test.device.RangerTest
tearDownAfterClass() - Static method in class test.device.RobotDeviceTest
tearDownAfterClass() - Static method in class test.device.SimulationTest
tearDownAfterClass() - Static method in class test.robot.ExploreRobotTest
tearDownAfterClass() - Static method in class test.robot.NavRobotTest
tearDownAfterClass() - Static method in class test.robot.PioneerTest
tearDownAfterClass() - Static method in class test.robot.SwarmRobotTest
tell(String, String) - Method in class jadex.service.MessageService
Tell something.
terminate() - Method in class core.OSCommand
test - package test
Test - Class in usecase
Test() - Constructor for class usecase.Test
test.data - package test.data
test.device - package test.device
test.jadex - package test.jadex
test.robot - package test.robot
testAddBlobListener() - Method in class test.device.BlobfinderTest
Test method for Blobfinder.addBlobListener(device.external.IBlobfinderListener).
testAddDevices() - Method in class test.device.DeviceTest
Test method for Device.Device(int, java.lang.String, int, int).
testAddObject() - Method in class test.data.BoardTest
Test method for Board.addObject(java.lang.String, data.BoardObject).
TestAgent - Class in jadex
TestAgent() - Constructor for class jadex.TestAgent
testBlobfinder() - Method in class test.device.BlobfinderTest
Test method for Blobfinder.Blobfinder(device.DeviceNode, device.Device).
testBlobfinder(BlobfinderInterface) - Static method in class usecase.Javaclient3Test
testBlobfinderBlob() - Method in class test.data.BlobfinderBlobTest
Test method for BlobfinderBlob.BlobfinderBlob(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, float).
testBlobsearch() - Method in class test.robot.ExploreRobotTest
testBoard() - Method in class test.data.BoardTest
Test method for Board.Board().
testCancel() - Method in class test.device.PlannerTest
testClear() - Method in class test.data.BoardTest
Test method for Board.clear().
testClose() - Method in class test.device.GripperTest
Test method for Gripper.close().
testcloseLift() - Method in class test.device.GripperTest
testDevice() - Method in class test.device.DeviceTest
Test method for Device.Device().
testDeviceNode1Node() - Method in class test.device.DeviceNodeTest
testDeviceNode2Nodes() - Method in class test.device.DeviceNodeTest
testDeviceNode3Nodes() - Method in class test.device.DeviceNodeTest
testDeviceNode6Nodes() - Method in class test.device.DeviceNodeTest
testDeviceNodeLocalizeOnly() - Method in class test.device.DeviceNodeTest
testDeviceNodeSimulationOnly() - Method in class test.device.DeviceNodeTest
testDeviceNodeTemplate1() - Method in class test.device.DeviceNodeTest
testDeviceNodeTemplate2() - Method in class test.device.DeviceNodeTest
testDeviceNodeTemplate2a() - Method in class test.device.DeviceNodeTest
testDeviceNodeTemplate2b() - Method in class test.device.DeviceNodeTest
testDeviceNodeTemplate3() - Method in class test.device.DeviceNodeTest
testDeviceNodeTemplate4() - Method in class test.device.DeviceNodeTest
testDeviceNodeTemplate5() - Method in class test.device.DeviceNodeTest
testDeviceNodeTemplate6() - Method in class test.device.DeviceNodeTest
testDistanceTo() - Method in class test.data.PositionTest
Test method for Position.distanceTo(data.Position).
testEqualsPosition() - Method in class test.data.PositionTest
Test method for Position.equals(data.Position).
testFiducial(FiducialInterface) - Static method in class usecase.Javaclient3Test
testGetAngle() - Method in class test.data.BlobfinderBlobTest
Test method for BlobfinderBlob.getAngle(double, int).
testGetArrayList() - Method in class test.data.BoardTest
Test method for Board.getArrayList().
testGetBlobs() - Method in class test.device.BlobfinderTest
Test method for Blobfinder.getBlobs().
testGetCount() - Method in class test.device.BlobfinderTest
Test method for Blobfinder.getCount().
testGetDevice() - Method in class test.device.DeviceTest
Test method for Device.getDevice(device.Device).
testGetDevice() - Method in class test.device.RobotDeviceTest
Test method for RobotDevice.getDevice().
testGetDeviceList() - Method in class test.device.DeviceTest
Test method for Device.getDeviceList().
testGetDeviceNode() - Method in class test.device.RobotDeviceTest
Test method for RobotDevice.getDeviceNode().
testGetDeviceNumber() - Method in class test.device.DeviceTest
Test method for Device.getIndex().
testGetGlobalCoordinates() - Method in class test.data.PositionTest
Test method for Position.getGlobalCoordinates(data.Position).
testGetGoal() - Method in class test.data.BbNoteTest
testGetGoal() - Method in class test.device.PlannerTest
testGetGoal() - Method in class test.robot.NavRobotTest
testGetGoal() - Method in class test.robot.SwarmRobotTest
testGetHost() - Method in class test.device.DeviceTest
Test method for Device.getHost().
testGetIterator() - Method in class test.data.BoardTest
Test method for Board.getIterator().
testGetName() - Method in class test.device.DeviceTest
Test method for Device.getId().
testGetObject() - Method in class test.data.BoardTest
Test method for Board.getObject(java.lang.String).
testGetPort() - Method in class test.device.DeviceTest
Test method for Device.getPort().
testGetPose() - Method in class test.data.BbNoteTest
testGetPosition() - Method in class test.device.LocalizerTest
testGetPosition() - Method in class test.device.PlannerTest
testGetPosition() - Method in class test.robot.NavRobotTest
testGetPosition() - Method in class test.robot.SwarmRobotTest
testGetPositionAtGoal() - Method in class test.robot.NavRobotTest
testGetPositionAtGoal() - Method in class test.robot.SwarmRobotTest
testGetPositionLoop() - Method in class test.device.LocalizerTest
testGetPositionNew() - Method in class test.device.SimulationTest
testGetPositionOf() - Method in class test.device.SimulationTest
testGetSet() - Method in class test.data.BoardTest
Test method for Board.getSet().
testGetTrackable() - Method in class test.data.BbNoteTest
testInitPositionOf() - Method in class test.device.SimulationTest
testIsCompleted() - Method in class test.data.BbNoteTest
testIsDone() - Method in class test.device.PlannerTest
testIsDoneFalse() - Method in class test.device.PlannerTest
testLaser(LaserInterface) - Static method in class usecase.Javaclient3Test
testLift() - Method in class test.device.GripperTest
Test method for Gripper.lift().
testLift2() - Method in class test.device.GripperTest
Test method for Gripper.lift().
testMap(MapInterface) - Static method in class usecase.Javaclient3Test
testNotActive() - Method in class test.device.PlannerTest
testOpen() - Method in class test.device.GripperTest
Test method for Gripper.open().
testPosition() - Method in class test.data.PositionTest
Test method for Position.Position().
testPositionDoubleDoubleDouble() - Method in class test.data.PositionTest
Test method for Position.Position(double, double, double).
testPositionPosition() - Method in class test.data.PositionTest
Test method for Position.Position(data.Position).
testPtz(PtzInterface) - Static method in class usecase.Javaclient3Test
testRead() - Method in class test.device.RangerLaserTest
testRead() - Method in class test.device.RangerTest
testRelease() - Method in class test.device.GripperTest
Test method for Gripper.release().
testReleaseOpen() - Method in class test.device.GripperTest
testRemoveBlobListener() - Method in class test.device.BlobfinderTest
Test method for Blobfinder.removeBlobListener(device.external.IBlobfinderListener).
testRemoveObject() - Method in class test.data.BoardTest
Test method for Board.removeObject(java.lang.String).
testResume() - Method in class test.device.PlannerTest
testRunThreaded() - Method in class test.device.DeviceTest
Test method for Device.runThreaded().
TestService - Class in test.jadex
TestService(IExternalAccess) - Constructor for class test.jadex.TestService
Create a new helpline service.
testSetAccurateGoal() - Method in class test.robot.NavRobotTest
testSetFarGoal() - Method in class test.device.PlannerTest
testSetGoal() - Method in class test.data.BbNoteTest
testSetGoal() - Method in class test.device.PlannerTest
testSetGoal() - Method in class test.robot.NavRobotTest
testSetGoal() - Method in class test.robot.SwarmRobotTest
testSetKey() - Method in class test.data.BbNoteTest
testSetPose() - Method in class test.data.BbNoteTest
testSetPosition() - Method in class test.device.LocalizerTest
testSetPosition() - Method in class test.device.PlannerTest
testSetPosition() - Method in class test.robot.NavRobotTest
testSetPosition() - Method in class test.robot.SwarmRobotTest
testSetPositionDoubleDoubleDouble() - Method in class test.data.PositionTest
Test method for Position.setPosition(double, double, double).
testSetPositionOf() - Method in class test.device.SimulationTest
testSetPositionPosition() - Method in class test.data.PositionTest
Test method for Position.setPosition(data.Position).
testSetSimu() - Method in class test.data.BbNoteTest
testSetSpeed() - Method in class test.robot.PioneerTest
Test method for Robot.setSpeed(double).
testSetSpeed2() - Method in class test.robot.PioneerTest
testSetSpeed3() - Method in class test.robot.PioneerTest
testSetTrackable() - Method in class test.data.BbNoteTest
testSetTurnrate() - Method in class test.robot.PioneerTest
Test method for Robot.setTurnrate(double).
testSetTurnrate2() - Method in class test.robot.PioneerTest
testShutdown() - Method in class test.device.DeviceTest
Test method for Device.shutdown().
testSimulation(SimulationInterface) - Static method in class usecase.Javaclient3Test
testSonar(SonarInterface) - Static method in class usecase.Javaclient3Test
testStop() - Method in class test.device.GripperTest
Test method for Gripper.stop().
testStop() - Method in class test.robot.PioneerTest
testToString() - Method in class test.data.BlobfinderBlobTest
Test method for BlobfinderBlob.toString().
testUpdate() - Method in class test.data.BbNoteTest
testWallfollow() - Method in class test.robot.PioneerTest
testWPCount() - Method in class test.device.PlannerTest
testWPIndex() - Method in class test.device.PlannerTest
thread - Variable in class core.OSCommand
thread - Variable in class device.Device
Every class of this type has it's own thread
timeout - Variable in class data.Board
Expire time in ms after that a BoardObject will be obsolete
timeout - Variable in class data.BoardObject
timeout in milli seconds
timeout - Variable in class device.Gripper
timerIsOccured - Variable in class robot.Pioneer
Watchdog timer for stuck checking
timestamp - Variable in class data.BoardObject
tmpGoalPose - Static variable in class test.robot.NavRobotTest
topic - Variable in class data.BoardObject
toString() - Method in class data.BlobfinderBlob
toString() - Method in class data.BoardObject
toString() - Method in class data.Host
toString() - Method in class data.Position
toString() - Method in class device.Device
toString() - Method in class device.DeviceNode
toString() - Method in class device.RobotDevice
toString() - Method in class jadex.service.GoalReachedService
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.service.HelloService
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.service.MessageService
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.service.ReceiveNewGoalService
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.service.SendPositionService
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class robot.Robot
toString() - Method in class test.jadex.TestService
Get the string representation.
TRACK_ROT - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
Low values increase maneuverability in narrow edges, high values let the robot sometimes be stuck.
ts - Variable in class test.jadex.ServiceAgent
turnrate - Variable in class device.Position2d
turnrate - Variable in class robot.Robot


update() - Method in class device.Actarray
update() - Method in class device.Blobfinder
Update the current blob count and blob information.
update() - Method in class device.Device
Might be to be implemented by subclass to do something
update() - Method in class device.DeviceNode
Reads the underlying robot client data when available.
update() - Method in class device.Dio
update() - Method in class device.Gripper
update() - Method in class device.Localize
update() - Method in class device.Planner
update() - Method in class device.Position2d
Updates the position device's settings at ~10 Hz Is only called by the run() method!
update() - Method in class device.Ranger
Will check for new ranges If not yet ready will put current thread to sleep
update() - Method in class device.RangerLaser
update() - Method in class device.RangerSonar
update() - Method in class device.Simulation
update() - Method in class robot.NavRobot
update() - Method in class robot.Pioneer
Checks the robot's current state and performs appropriate actions.
updateAccessTime() - Method in class data.BoardObject
updateActarray() - Method in class device.Gripper
During runtime checks if an actarray device is available, typically used to lift/release the paddles.
updateDio() - Method in class device.Gripper
During runtime checks if an dio device is available, typically used to sensor gripper states.
updateGoal(Board) - Method in class jadex.agent.CollectAgent
Updates the current goal of the agent.
updateGoal() - Method in class jadex.agent.FollowAgent
updateInterval - Variable in class jadex.agent.FollowAgent
updatePosi() - Method in class robot.Pioneer
Updates the motor speed immediately.
updateSpeed(double) - Method in class robot.Pioneer
Tries to set the speed given.
updateStop() - Method in class robot.Pioneer
Stops the motors immediately if not already stopped.
updateTurnrate(double) - Method in class robot.Pioneer
Tries to set the turnrate given.
usecase - package usecase


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum device.external.IGripper.stateType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum robot.external.IPioneer.StateType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum robot.external.IPioneer.viewDirectType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum device.external.IGripper.stateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum robot.external.IPioneer.StateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum robot.external.IPioneer.viewDirectType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
ViewAgent - Class in jadex.agent
ViewAgent() - Constructor for class jadex.agent.ViewAgent


waitFor() - Method in class core.OSCommand
Blocks until the underlying process is finished or interrupted.
Wallfollow - Class in behavior
Wallfollow() - Constructor for class behavior.Wallfollow
Wallfollow - Class in usecase
Wallfollow() - Constructor for class usecase.Wallfollow
WallfollowAgent - Class in jadex.agent
WallfollowAgent() - Constructor for class jadex.agent.WallfollowAgent
WALLFOLLOWDIST - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
Distance tolerance before stopping in meters
WallFollowerExample - Class in usecase
WallFollowerExample() - Constructor for class usecase.WallFollowerExample
WALLLOSTDIST - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
Stop distance in meters.
wayPointCount - Variable in class device.Planner
wayPointIndex - Variable in class device.Planner
WHEEL_DIAMETER - Static variable in class usecase.BlobfinderExample
WHEEL_DIAMETER - Static variable in class usecase.SpaceWandererExample
whenClosed() - Method in interface device.external.IGripperListener
whenClosedLifted() - Method in interface device.external.IGripperListener
whenError() - Method in interface device.external.IGripperListener
whenLifted() - Method in interface device.external.IGripperListener
whenOpened() - Method in interface device.external.IGripperListener
whenReleased() - Method in interface device.external.IGripperListener
whenReleasedOpened() - Method in interface device.external.IGripperListener
WorkAgent - Class in test.jadex
Answer ping requests.
WorkAgent() - Constructor for class test.jadex.WorkAgent
writePose(PlayerSimulationPose2dReq) - Static method in class usecase.Javaclient3Test


x - Variable in class data.Position
xspeed - Static variable in class usecase.BlobfinderExample
xspeed - Static variable in class usecase.SpaceWandererExample
xSpeed - Static variable in class usecase.WallFollowerExample


y - Variable in class data.Position
yaw - Variable in class data.Position
YAW_TOLERANCE - Static variable in interface robot.external.IPioneer
Goal tracking rotation speed in degrees per sec.
yawspeed - Static variable in class usecase.BlobfinderExample
yawspeed - Static variable in class usecase.SpaceWandererExample
yawSpeed - Static variable in class usecase.WallFollowerExample